
"It's my prerogative!"

2003-11-11 - 9:04 a.m.

Wussup Diary? How you been (since yesterday?! LOL!)?

I did come to work today. I almost got into the whole "I'd rather not be at my damn job" frame of mind but then I remembered how grateful I am that I have a damn job and I got up and got dressed and came on in. No problems.

I have a question Diary. Why is it that some people in relationships get angry at those who are not in relationships because of the way they feel about love in their single-ness? I know that was confusing, let me try to say it in a different way.

Okay. You have two friends. One friend is in a good relationship (Lovey) and the other friend is no longer in any kind of relationship because the last one (or few or all) went sour (Solo). Lovey gets angry when Solo talks about there not being any good prospects out there so they would rather be alone, etc., etc.

The thing about this situation that gets me a little "hmph"-ish is that I'm sure Lovey had the same attitude as Solo does now when Lovey was tired of being single and heartbroken too. Ya feel me? It's like, why was it okay for you (Lovey) to feel that way before you got with your good thing but it's not okay for them (Solo) to feel that way now? Can Solo live?! Can Solo have a chance to feel the way they feel so that when they get with somebody good, they can look back on the attitude they had and feel good about not feeling that way anymore?

As long as they ain't hatin' on what you have, then why are you upset? Shouldn't you be there to support them and empathize with them? I don't mean for Lovey to stand up on a soapbox and say, "you shouldn't say this and that because when you get with somebody, you gon' see that you were wrong so stop sayin' this and that and just suck it up". I'm sayin' for Lovey to be there for Solo like, "I understand what you're going through 'cause I was there too." and leave it at that. Lovey sayin' all of whatever in Solo's ear ain't gon' make Solo feel no better if Solo ain't got a pair of romantically-loving arms wrapped around them too.

That's my thing on that. I ain't in this situation right now but I know of a few people who are and that's what I had to say on that.

To me, that's just like some overzealous Christians who tell other developing Christians that it's so wrong to do this and that and you're going to hell if you do this and that instead of telling the truth and saying, "I used to do this and that too. Then, I got to know the Lord and I changed my ways because I realized that what I was doing was wrong." It's like they had their fun, they got all that out of their systems, so now it's so easy to condemn others who are following the same path. That's not right.

People gotta get stuff out of their systems before they devote themselves to the right path sometimes. Don't put them down for doing what you already have had a chance to do. Just be there to support them as they grow. You have to let them come to realize that what they are doing. Give them the opportunity to make the decision they need to make instead of trying to force a lifestyle upon them.

A forced lifestyle is not sincere and will break in the end.

I laugh at myself because when I talk about these things now, I'm not upset at all. It's just a questioning frame of mind now rather than attack mode like it used to be. And I likes it!

"I'm so tired of all those silly love songs. None of them never ever really come true. Mr. DJ stop spinning those love songs 'cause the one I loved broke my heart in two...ooooh." Nicole "Make It Hot" Wray, "Silly Love Songs"

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