
Tomorrow is not Today.

2003-10-07 - 9:13 a.m.

I need to stop looking forward to enjoying my life. I'm always thinking about when I get older and I'm settled and in the future, in the future, in the future.

I hear, "Live your life today, for tomorrow is not promised." all the time, yet I don't follow the instructions. I'm always thinking, "Well, when I'm 35, I'll..." instead of figuring out what I can do now to have an enjoyable life. Yeah, I find things for every now and then but I need to be more consistent with my enjoyables ("And you can tell 'em J said it! And they betta not forget it!").

I need to find something that, today, will make me happy, will help me to feel that, if I died tonight, I would be dying happy.

How can I do this? By stepping out on Faith. By not holding myself back for fear of what will be thought of me. By trusting myself and my abilities. Believing in me.

Easier said than done, but I'ma sho' nuff try.

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