
New Doggy Doooogggg...

2003-10-02 - 1:35 p.m.

My household is supposed to be getting a dog today...

Good Lord, help us all.

That dog better come with a machine that gives him food, water and cleans up after him 'cause ain't nobody up in my house 'bout to do it...consistently anyways.

Naw, I'm just kidding. He probably gon' be spoiled just like my cat.

I used to have a cat. I named him Vision after one of my all-time favorite songs, "Visions of a Sunset" by Shawn Stockman of Boyz II Men.

The way I got him was he ran into the house from right off the street. Literally. Somebody opened the front door and this lil' nigga ran straight into the house and into my bedroom closet. He looked so scared. And he refused to come out. He hissed at everybody who even tried to come near him except me. From that day on, he was Vision and I loved him like a best friend.

He wasn't a talker but he was cool. I'd come home and he'd just jump up in my lap and look at me like "How was yo' damn day?" Then he'd start meowing for his food... Nevertheless, that was my bay-bay! *sniff*

He got ran over by a car the day after I went back to school from Spring Break. It had to be someone with malicious intent 'cause I taught my baby how to cross the street. I'm serious! I'd stand on one side of the street and he'd be on the other and if I saw a car coming, I'd say, "Wait Vision." He'd wait until the car passed and then he'd come across the street to me. My boo knew not to run out in front of no car.

He was so intelligent. He was also self-sufficient, which I absolutely loved. If he needed to go handle his business outside, he'd scratch the door. That was such a part of my nightly routine, to get up and let him out or let him back into the house when he scratched on my window to let me know he was ready to come back in...

Which takes me back to 12th grade. I used to chat real heavy back in high school. I'm telling you it was the 12 black people from my 11th and 12th grade classes who were the first members of BlackPlanet! We used to be on from before school started to the end of the day! But where we did most of our chatting? Yahoo baby. Oh yeah. It was all about Yahoo.

Why did I start talkin' about this? Oh yeah, my nightly routine...

I chatted with this dude - MiamiBaller. We had some nice lil' conversations. He didn't have a one-track mind or nothin'. So, we started talkin' on the phone. This dude used to call me every night between the hours of 1am and 3am. Every night. Every single night 'cause I ain't have no life in high school other than school and work and I think he was tryin' to stay at home to avoid going back to jail. He had insomnia bad. But those used to be the best parts of my whole 24 hours in the day. For him to call. And it was never no "tryin' to take it to a relationship" type thing. At least not on my end. I wasn't wit (and still don't feel) the whole "internet relationship" thang. (I gotta be eye to eye with a person to really feel like I understand what they tryin' to say.)

But that nigga? He was just real cool. It was funny 'cause the first few times he called at that time and asked me was I sleeping, I would say no. Why? I don't know. From the sound of my voice, it's obvious when I've been sleeping. Moreso, I don't stay up for nobody. "Oh you finna call me? I'll probably be sleep but go ahead." I have said that to too many individuals to count. But with him, I just did not want to admit being asleep when he called! LOL.

After a while though, I just started waking up when I knew he would call. I ain't have no alarm set or nothing. I just knew he was gonna call so my body would wake itself up. And we would stay on the phone until 6am. Every day. The only reason we'd get off the phone would be because I knew my mother would be getting up to get ready for work and I ain't want her to know I had been on the phone all night... And I was never tired. I would get up and get ready for school like nothing.

We never met. I know where he lives(d) though. I have an idea of how he looks too. I stopped talking to him because I saw how much of a small world Miami really is when I figured out that he was related to somebody I knew from church. I don't even remember who he was related to. I just didn't want us to meet. Never did. So I cut him off.

All of this came from me wondering if the dog will wake me up in the middle of the night to let him go use the bathroom. LOL!

I wonder if dogs sleep like humans. Do they mostly sleep at night and through the night? My main concern with this dog is that I don't need him waking up my peoples when I roll up to the house at 5 or 6am from wherever I've been doing whatever I've been doing. I don't need no dog announcing my arrival to the whole neighborhood.

He should be cool though. Our house is a laid-back environment. No yelling and not too much foot-traffic. I can't wait to sit and watch him sit and watch me. That nigga betta not bite me or it's gon' be some serious consequences and repercussions. I hope I don't sit on his lil' butt either.

As of yesterday, nobody wanted to confess to saying they wanted a dog in the house. I give it till next Wednesday. I see it already. By next Wednesday, it's gonna be a fight of who in the house he belongs to 'cause everybody gon' be tryin' to claim him.

I'm excited 'cause ain't too many dogs in my family. If anybody has a pet, they have a cat. So bringing a dog into the mix should be interesting. Oooh, I hope that lil' nigga don't stank! Oh, I couldn't take that. I'ma have to put some Gucci Rush on him to make sure he be smellin' right. I ain't 'bout to waste a drop of my Angel on no dog. No sirree.

At least I know what I'll be posting about next Wednesday. LOL.

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Today's Ramblings - All Those Yesterdays. - E-Mail.
What you NEED to know about me.

Oh, how convenient:
For Real. - 2004-01-17
"But the'm..." - 2004-01-05
"You let go, and I'll let go too." - 2004-01-03
Happeee Nu Yurr! - 2004-01-02
"It's gonna be alright." - 2003-12-31