
New York, New York!

2003-09-24 - 2:14 p.m.

Ain't nothin' much goin' on...honestly. LOL.

Last night I went to visit "my" kids and there was a week-old premie who weighed 5lbs in the nursery. I had to hold and feed him while the attendant ate her dinner... It was scary at first but he made me realize that yeah, he might be small, but he's still a little man! Those kids there are just too cute. And their personalities are so developed.

That place helps me to remember that I ain't tryna have no kids no time soon though. I'm wiped out after I leave!

Convo with my mom today:

Me: Ma, I got two issues to discuss with you. 1) My braces (which I have been trying to get FOREVER and a damn day!).

Ma: And?

Me: And what? My braces!

Ma: And?!

Me: Oh, my bad. And 2) I need you to help me get my tattoo...

Ma: Gotta go. Goodbye. CLICK! (No, she did not hang up on me! LOL! She actually said the word "click" to let me know she wasn't tryin' to hear me talk about no kinda tattoos 'cause she don't want me gettin' none.)

I wanna go to New York for a day. Times Square. I wanna fly into NY at like 8am and just walk around all day, catch the trains everywhere I can (harlem, the bronx, brooklyn, queens), hit up the club at night, leave and go straight back to the plane for my 6am flight back home.

I wanna do it in October too - right before it gets too cold. I do wanna do this. There's nothing stopping me from doing it but myself... I found roundtrip tix for only $140... I don't know. I'm such a fraidy-cat. LOL. But I probably will do it. Hopefully MD will give me some pointers on getting around and places to go... :)

Honestly, I don't have anything else to be honest about today. My life is so boring these days! LOL! But it's cool. Better boring than drama-ful. I ain't one for all the drama...

Aiighty diary.

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What you NEED to know about me.

Oh, how convenient:
For Real. - 2004-01-17
"But the'm..." - 2004-01-05
"You let go, and I'll let go too." - 2004-01-03
Happeee Nu Yurr! - 2004-01-02
"It's gonna be alright." - 2003-12-31