
Red Lobster?! "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no no."

2003-08-29 - 3:34 p.m.

WARNING: This entry is pretty gross. Just felt like posting it. Ain't nothin' else goin' on so I might as well be gross, right?! LOL!

Oh, I'm wrong for that, huh? Oh-the-hell-well. This is MY damn diary!

I realized that I never wrote about my food-poisoning experience...

Well, the second Saturday after I started working (towards the end of this past May), my parents and I decided we were gonna go to Red Lobster. Hadn't been in a while and everybody was craving their own favorite seafood dish. So, we set it up to meet for lunch that day.

By the time lunch came around, my best friend had come and scooped me up. So, I invited her to come along. We got there, got seated and prepared to order. This is where the issue comes in...

I was paying because I had gotten my first paycheck from work. So my parents decided they wanted to order half the menu. Therefore, half the menu came to the table. I can't bear to name any of the dishes. I'll just say that there were three full-size appetizers on the table for four people to eat. So, we went crazy with the appetizers. Then, the salads came. Went through those. The waitress is approaching the table with our entrees and everybody at the table has these "Please don't bring those plates over here. Oh no! Please don't put them down on the table! Oh no!!! Please don't walk away!" looks on our faces.

So, she puts the plates down and we try to eat. I touched everything on my plate. Everybody did what they could with their entrees but, for the most part, the majority of the food was left on the plate. We didn't take the leftovers home because the thought of more Red Lobster was already sounding like a bad idea.

My best friend and I left the restaurant to do a little shopping. We hadn't been out that long before I started to not feel so good. I had a feeling like a big square block was sitting in my stomach. I mentioned it but didn't think much else of it.

Got home and went straight to bed at 6:00pm. That was sign #1. I never go to sleep at no 6:00pm.

I got checked up on constantly because everybody knows that it's not normal for me to be in bed on a Saturday evening. I just said I wasn't feeling well because, honestly, I didn't know what was going on with my stomach. It was an unfamiliar feeling.

At about 2:00am, I suddenly woke up. I knew something was about to happen, but wasn't sure exactly what. So, I got up, started to put on my robe, then realized that my stomach was about to revolt immediately. I grabbed the nearest towel and let it go. Of course, the whole act was so violent that the towel flew out of my hands and the contents of my stomach went everywhere.

I called my mom in from the next room to ask her to come and assist me. She loves me very much and does whatever she can possible do for me. However, the smell and the look of it all was too much for her. She was basically throwing me newspaper and towels 'cause she couldn't get too close to me. So, I had to wait until I felt a little better all on my own before I could clean myself up.

Mind you, I am not and never have been a vomiter. It just ain't in me. So for me to vomit, you know I had to have some straight poison up in me. LOL. I was laughing afterward because I was actually disgusted as well. The last time I vomited was probably around the age of 7 because my mother tried to force me to drink some Milk of Magnesia. And I didn't even vomit for real that time. I just spit back what she put in my mouth. So the sight and the smell and the texture?! I wanted to hurl again just from that!

I had diarreah for 5 days straight after that.

And the thing about it is, everybody had a different entree. Everybody sampled something off of everybody else's plate. It just so happened that nobody else touched the one piece of fish I ate from, so nobody else in my party got poisoned.

That was the worst case of food poisoning I have EVER had.

The funniest (and first official) case of food poisoning I have ever had occured in the fall of last year. I'll have to write about that another day.

Enjoy the Labor Day weekend. (I forgot what Labor Day is...LOL!!!!)

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Today's Ramblings - All Those Yesterdays. - E-Mail.
What you NEED to know about me.

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