
"So good, so good, so good..."

2003-06-23 - 11:25 a.m.

Overall, I enjoyed my weekend. I even managed to escape the effects of my trigger...for the weekend. I have a feeling that my trigger is preparing to reload though... I'ma work hard to be ready for it when it comes though.

Friday night was cool. My best friend is staying down here for the summer (she had moved up to Orlando). She never really went out much and is kind of a stay-at-home. But I don't think it's because she wants to be. I think it's just what she thought she should do. After going out Friday night, she has let me know that she looks forward to going out again.

I was supposed to be assisting with an event for a film festival. I was supposed to be there at 9:30 and it would start at 10:30. Well, my Fridays never go as planned timewise (of course, not any fault of mine) so I rolled up at 10:30. (I thought I was of the current interns showed up after 11. I mean, why even come at that point? LOL.) There never really was any setting up to do anyway so it was cool. We were instructed to mingle and enjoy the free drinks and appetizers available.

Oh yeah, one of my main points in writing about Friday: I had THE BEST drink I have ever had so far... :P

A Strawberry Shortcake Margarita

Come on now! What??!! It was OFF-GLASS, OFF-THA-CHAIN, UNCALLED FOR!!! I wanted to go to the kitchen and actually kiss the man back there makin' them drinks. It got to the point where the waiter came to me and my two friends as soon as he came out the back. I mean, the man looked for us in the crowd and supplied our needs before even considering serving anyone else! LOL! Oh goodness. Talk about good! I'll break my paycheck (yeah, I said it!) to go there and buy that drink. I will. Friday. You'll see.

The appetizers were nasty though. You know when people want to make sure you know that they have money, they put all this eccentric and extravagant food out. Child please! Give a sista a chicken wing and some bread and I'm cool. I don't wanna eat no raw tuna and special cheese! Yuck!

I realized Friday night that I need to be more personable. I had the opportunity to meet some very big movers and shakers and I didn't even realize it. Attending the party were heads from different record labels as well as other entertainment personalities. I was just so comfortable with my friends and the people I knew from my internship that we all chilled together the whole time.

I seem standoffish when people look at me without knowing me. I won't do too much talking if I'm unfamiliar with a person (especially males...there's an explanation. I just don't feel like ever getting into it on this diary.) because I tailor my conversations to the individual. If I don't know you, it's kind of hard to do that. I'm very friendly in reality though. It's my fault too. I'm not completely comfortable with individuals that I do not know. But a big thing in the entertainment industry is being personable. That's where I see myself ending up so I need to work on that skill.

Saturday was a different kind of day...

My younger cousin finished his last year in high school (he was a casualty of the FCAT though. Do a Yahoo search on "FCAT" and see what I'm talking about.) So, his mother organized a graduation/entrance into manhood ceremony at their church. It was very nice. I was almost jealous that I didn't have one. I wrote a speech that I said to him. He's a good young man. I just encouraged him to continue to be good and make the right decisions.

I jumped from the cermony to a wedding. A friend from college got married. Thing is, she's Muslim (a black Muslim). I didn't know much about black Muslims and their idea of marriage until these past two weeks. I've heard so much. And in my mind, I'm thinking, "I could never do that." It's more of a business relationship than anything.

The husband provides and the wife raises the children. I was looking at girls who were younger than me, walking around with toddlers and pregnant again.

It's just weird, ya know? I don't mean that anything is wrong with their religion. It's surely right for them just like mine is right for me. It's just so different from what I know a marriage to be.

They said that the thing of utmost importance in a Muslim marriage is economics - economic prosperity. Getting married itself is fulfilling half of the religion. You can't touch your partner before marriage... I'm sitting there thinking, "Where is the love?" But you know what was instilled in you, ya know? She was the happiest I've ever seen her and she's ready to go into that situation so I wish her the best.

Saturday night, there was a party for one of my cousins who just came home from jail on Wednesday. He's about 18 or 19 now. He went when he was a young teen. His mother is what's keeping him in trouble. She doesn't want to let go of her problems and her acting-up days. He went in right after his older brother was killed by the police. It's sad. I want to talk with him but... I don't know. I don't want him to think that I'm trying to do some charity work or something. He's not an immediate cousin and we didn't see each other regularly growing up. But I love him 'cause that's family and I want the best for my family. I'm gonna do what I can.

Sunday, I hung out with my mommy. Allllll day! LOL. We'll be dead tired but still going places so we can get that together-time in. I'm comfortable staying home but mommy knows that my wingspan is too large for me to remain at home. There's no tension or anything. I respect her and she respects me. Nevertheless, there's a world out there for me to see and she knows I want to see it and she wants me to see it. So, before I go, we need to give each other all we've got so we can survive without each others immediate physical presence when the time comes.

Well, it's about that time (lunchtime anyways) so I'ma be up outta my damn diary.

"Sunny came home to her list of names..." LOL. Boy, I can see Sunny sittin' there goin' thru the list, tryin' to see who she was gon' git first.

antes - despues

Today's Ramblings - All Those Yesterdays. - E-Mail.
What you NEED to know about me.

Oh, how convenient:
For Real. - 2004-01-17
"But the'm..." - 2004-01-05
"You let go, and I'll let go too." - 2004-01-03
Happeee Nu Yurr! - 2004-01-02
"It's gonna be alright." - 2003-12-31