
The Alstar.

2003-06-11 - 8:28 p.m.

"I don't think you're ready...I don't think you're ready for this thang."

I'm so bored that it's becoming a hazard to my mental well-being. I need stress. I need a situation to get out of. The working to get out of the situation is what keeps me sane. Now, I have no situations. All I have is time to think about nothing. And thinking about nothing leads to a whole lot of unnecessary angst. So, I needs something to keep me busy. I'ma find him. LOL. Don't worry.

Naw, for real. I'm still not looking. "Ummm, we're not hiring at the point but we will take your application and keep it on file so that when we're ready to bring in new crew members, your information will be ready for consideration." I've gotten stubborn with it: I refuse to look. Nope, not gonna happen. You never find what you're looking for when you're looking for it. And I don't know what I would be looking for so, yeah, let me avoid that whole mess altogether.

A quote I heard the other day, "The best way to find something you've lost is to go out and get a new one." I can think of so many different situations to apply that too. Things, thoughts, people... The people thing is what really got me. It's true though. I like when things like that happen. Somebody will say something to me and I'll apply it to something that they never even intended whatever they said to mean. That's a little thing that brings me joy. One of many, one of many...

Oooohhhh! I am so sad!!!! I just found out they did a How I'm Livin' on Khia and Trick! I don' missed most of the show! I am so mad right now! LOL!!!! Oh, Khia don' made me get my resolve back to get my hair loc'ed up. I had decided to stick wit da natural-looking synthetic weave but now, her hair is so pretty these days... And I really wanna do it. I can't wait for my hair to look like that.

Oh, don't tell me it's already 9 o'clock! I ain't even did nothin' yet! I just got home! LOL.

And why does Bow Wow sound like a younger but deeper-voiced Loon? And how dare that lil' nigga cut all that damn hair off when females like me over here strugglin' like this! An abomination, I tell ya!

I like this writing in my damn diary. It's mine, mine, all mine. LOL.

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Oh, how convenient:
For Real. - 2004-01-17
"But the'm..." - 2004-01-05
"You let go, and I'll let go too." - 2004-01-03
Happeee Nu Yurr! - 2004-01-02
"It's gonna be alright." - 2003-12-31