
LOL! My momma is a fool!

2003-04-03 - 1:16 a.m.

Hey! Guess where I am! Yes, smart cookie! The damn lab! I complain but I really reminisce as I sit in this chair for hours, working on a program for an event coming up tomorrow... Public Relations...ah, those were the days. LOL! How sick is that?!

Whatthehellever. I've been in this carefree damn mood lately. I don't know what spurred it but it's fun. Maybe it's the fact that I know my life will be changing drastically in the next month... Damn, I'm scared.

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself upon graduation. (Here we go again.) I'm too lazy to look for a real job. Scratch that. It's not that I'm lazy. I just don't know what job I'll be looking for. Why look for a job if you know it's something you don't want to do, just something you have to do to pay the bills? Where's the motivation! Right! There is none! So, I procrastinate until my bills start piling up.

And if this doesn't top it off, I don't know what does. My mother had the nerve to ask me, "So, what are your plans for after graduation? Are you going to take a month off? What?" I actually had to laugh in homegirl's face! I had to ask her if she realized what she just said to me! LOL! Now, that was funny. That's my kind of humor. Look at me - that convo was about 16 hours ago and I'm still crackin up about it!! LOL! She realized the error of her ways and made sure to clarify that she and her husband would support me but not my bills if that was my post-graduation decision.

I wouldn't mind that option though. 30 days of sleep?!?! In the words of Tweet, "Feels just like heaven..." Damn! Whoo! I'm gettin' excited just thinkin' about it! LOL!

Well, time to wind down. Time to get in the bed and think of somethin' to dream about...or someone! I love sleep just causa' (that's that Miami - causa) the fact that I can escape this craziness just for a little while... Yep, I luvs it. Like Gavin said, "it's".

Aiight, enough of my damn diary.


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Oh, how convenient:
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