
"I WIll Always..."

2003-09-15 - 10:55 a.m.

Today is September 15th. Any person born on this day is a Virgo.

My grandfather was a Virgo. He was born on September 15th.

He died in 1995. Grandaddy was the only father I had ever known up until the point that he died. He was my Grandaddy. And I loved my Grandaddy.

I loved how, when he came to the house everyday, my cousins and I would run to the door yelling, "Grandaddy!!!!" all loud! LOL.

I loved how he would pick us up and hug us real tight.

I love how he used to turn corners reeeaaalll slow on the way to church on Sunday mornings even if we were late.

I love how he shouted "Hallelujah" on that last Thanksgiving because he was so thankful to God. (I remember running all the way to the back of the house because I was afraid. At the time, I didn't understand that somebody could be that happy with God. So, him yelling so louldly made me very anxious. But now I understand.)

I loved that he was never afraid to cry in front of us or anybody, for that matter.

I loved the relationships he had with his siblings and his children and his grandchildren.

I loved the fact that he tried so hard to be a good man.

I loved that he was as patient as he could be with me, in particular.

I loved how he would say, "Grandaddy is so proud of you!" for every accomplishment I achieved.

I just loved my Grandaddy so much.

So yesterday, when my mother came and told me that she wanted me to take her to run some errands and then, in the end, slipped in that she wanted to go by the cemetery to put some flowers on Grandaddy's grave, I was kind of shocked.

Because, for a little while, I had forgotten that Grandaddy had died. I kinda even felt that I had forgotten about Grandaddy period.

But then I remembered that the other day, I caught myself telling his spirit that I loved him. And when I remembered that, I felt a little better.

Because even though I didn't remember that today was going to be his birthday, and I can't remember the exact day in April that he died, I still remember my Grandaddy. And I still remember how I loved him and how he loved me.

But I know that where he is, he ain't thinking about me because the time he's having is too good to think about those left behind on Earth.

But I also know that on that morning, when this life is over and the good Lord takes me into his kingdom, my Grandaddy will be standing there with his arms open, waiting to hug me once again.

*I NEVER cry! LOL. So why the heck am I wiping tears from my eyes at my damn job?! LOL!*

Two times for my Grandaddy. I love and miss you. Always.

antes - despues

Today's Ramblings - All Those Yesterdays. - E-Mail.
What you NEED to know about me.

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