
"Uh Huh!"

2003-08-25 - 11:22 a.m.

Momma has conjunctivitis (pink-eye) and she keeps threatening to infect me. The other day, I went out but called to remind her of something soon after I pulled off. This female gon' tell me, "I'm finna go contaminate your room." To keep the fear in me, she'll touch the area surrounding her eye and reach out to touch me.

She almost got me for real when I tried to take the Sunday coupons before she had a chance to look at them. That's a no-no up in my house but she be taking all day to get to 'em! I mean, if they not actually in yo hand, let somebody else see 'em! But it don't work like that. She ain't havin' it. And she won't hesitate to throw a punch if you try and get at 'em before she does.

But I'm my mother's child, so I fight for 'em every Sunday. I don't care! LOL.

I went to the Scream Tour III concert Sunday night... Yes, I do happen to like B2K and Mario. But I didn't purchase tickets for the concert. My friend's little sister won them off of the radio but she couldn't go so my friend and I went just to use the tickets. My friend is also in love with Nick Cannon, so that was really her reason for going.

It was an experience. I never really had the chance to see anybody in concert when I was little. I only went to one concert: The Isley Brothers and Angela Winbush. (I don't even remember the show. I was tryin' to get backstage to get something to eat. LOL.) So, to go to the concert last night kinda made up for my lack of concert-going as a child.

I just love to see other people happy. And to hear those little girls screaming and hollering over a B2K and a Marques just made me enjoy the night even more. My friend even got to take a picture with Nick Cannon so I was all happy for her. (I told her, if he was a real human being, they would be a cute couple...)

I couldn't really participate 'cause I was more into observing the crowd. It was funny to me because it could have easily been 40 and 50 year old women in that arena screaming over Luther Vandross or somebody.

And I was NEVER that stylish as a young girl. My mother never placed any emphasis on style or fashion, so it doesn't really mean that much to me. I ain't out of style, I just like to be comfortable. I mean, these little females had on their custom-made outfits (I even saw one momma with her custom-made Vouis Luitton tube-top-shortset that matched my friend's purse perfectly), hair done, new shoes...the works! They were spotting their crushes from school (yes, there were plenty of little boys at the concert) and going absolutely crazy over every hard body that came on stage. I, myself, was getting a little nauseous over the skinny-little bird-chested performers flexing their developing "muscles" for the crowd. I'm thinking, "Please keep your shirt on" while the little girls are yelling for them to "Take it off!".

(And I am so mad that J-Boog slammed that female's face into his crotch like that. I'm even more upset with her for probably taking extra money to let him do it.)

Now that I'm going to concerts, I'm realizing that they're basically all the same. You've got the line of fireworks that go off, the fire shooting up out of the ground, the coming up out of the stage... I think I would more enjoy the whole situation if I was there for work-related purposes...maybe writing a review of the show or having something to do with the concert itself...I see it happening sooner than later.

But I still had a good time though. It's my second real concert in less than a month so, it's all good.

Last week was busy as I don't know what! I've been steady going since last Tuesday. It's cool though. That's how I like to live for now. I don't have anything else to do. Might as well stay busy. Right?

Anyways, I'm finna be out.

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What you NEED to know about me.

Oh, how convenient:
For Real. - 2004-01-17
"But the'm..." - 2004-01-05
"You let go, and I'll let go too." - 2004-01-03
Happeee Nu Yurr! - 2004-01-02
"It's gonna be alright." - 2003-12-31