
I'm Yours Billy

2002-06-18 - 8:09 p.m.


I need Billy in my life! Our relationship never really got a chance to get off the ground. I never give him the time of day. He asks for me all the time. I�m just not ready for that type of devotion. Believe me, I want to establish a serious commitment to him. I want him to be with me everyday. I want him to give me what I need everyday. I need to hear his voice and see his face every single day. I just can�t bring myself to follow through on a promise to Billy.

Forget it, I�m going to give myself the rest of this week to pull myself together. On second thought, I�m giving myself until Wednesday. Thursday, I�m going to get Billy and place myself in his hands. I�m going to let Billy do whatever he needs to do to me to get me where I want to be.

Billy Blanks, Tae-Bo Master, I will be your slave for the rest of the summer starting on Thursday�OKAY!

I am so ready to lose this weight. I don�t have much to lose, just enough to help me get into the clothes I want to get into. I�m ready to dedicate these next six to eight weeks to achieve some kind of weight loss. My goal is two sizes smaller than what I am now. I need something to focus my energy on so, this should be the best thing for me right now.

I don�t feel like doing anything at work today. It�s bad when you�re in a cubicle all the way at the back of the office, away from all other civilization. I have no motivation to do anything at all. I�m trying to slow down doing what I�m doing now because I have a tendency to move so fast that I finish things waaaay too early and then there�s really nothing for me to do.

I spoke to soon�As soon as I finish complaining about not having anything to do, I�m handed a nice pile of work to do. Finished it too quick though. But there�s one thing that�s causing me problems so I can hold onto it and make it seem like I can�t finish that.

I can�t wait to go back to sleep. My sleep was soooo good last night, I tell you!!!

I am such a procrastinator. There are a few things that are very important that I need to do but I just continually put them off for no reason. Then, when it�s too late to do them, I�ll be stressing out because they weren�t done. What is wrong with me?!?!

The power and hold of Love just really amazes me. It�s just so weird to me that Love is one of the things EVERYBODY needs � no matter their age, religion, size, beliefs, customs� Love can make just about anybody do something they never believed they could ever do to get it or keep it. It simply amazes me.

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